• The easiest way to travel between Helsinki and Turku is by train. They leave frequently, are well equipped, and the trip takes about two hours. Find out more, and buy tickets if you wish, from https://www.vr.fi/en
  • Local trains (commuter traffic) "I" and "P" take you from the airport to the central railway station where trains to Turku depart. https://www.vr.fi/en/railway-stations-and-routes/get-to-the-airport-by-train
  •  Some bus companies may also take you directly from the airport to Turku. Here are some links


  • Currency in Finland is Euro. Credit cards and all sorts of mobile payments are accepted widely. Using cash diminished during COVID-19 epidemic and has not returned back to times before corona. However, most shops still also accept cash.
  • Finland has three official languages. Finnish is spoken by the majority (90 %), Swedish is spoken by around 10 % as their mother tongue. Sami is spoken by around 10000 Finns in Lapland.
  • Time in Finland is UTC +3 hours.
  • Late August in Finland summer is leaving and autumn is arriving. So, days may be nice, sunny and warm, or cold, windy, and rainy. Be prepared for all kinds of weather except snow. It will not snow yet in August, I promise. However, evenings and nights may be chilly.

Any questions? Contact Marita This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone +358 41 465 1398, or Anita This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone +358 50 500 4589.